How NicoBloc works – The NicoBloc Difference

NicoBloc blocks Nicotine

NicoBloc traps up to 99% of Nicotine

Nicotine is more addictive than heroin or cocaine

Image: Health professionals involved with the treatment of addicts were asked to rank various drugs according to their inherent addictive potential. Their responses were calculated according to a composite ranking of each drug on a 100-point scale from least (lowest score) to most addictive-liable.
Source: D. Franklin, Health, 1990. 4. 38.

NicoBloc blocks Tar

NicoBloc traps up to 99% of Tar

Tar causes lung cancer & emphysema

NicoBloc – an alternative approach

How NicoBloc Works

Simply apply drops to the cigarette filter before smoking

Blocks up to 99% of Tar and Nicotine

Nothing goes in or on your body

Why NicoBloc is Effective

Addresses physiological and addictive challenges, and behavior modification

No side effects

Do not have to quit “Cold Turkey”

Benefits of NicoBloc

Drug free and safe

All-natural ingredients

Health benefits for those who choose to practise harm reduction

How NicoBloc Works

Unlike other smoking cessation products which contain nicotine, NicoBloc gradually reduces tar and nicotine intake (nicotine fading), but is a natural based product that is not a drug or a medical device.

1 Drop

up to 33% reduction

2 Drops

up to 66% reduction

3 Drops

up to 99% reduction

3 Drops

up to 99% reduction

Tar and Nicotine blocking effectiveness report available upon request.